Steam Game Psychonauts Free Key humblebundle Giveaway. As usual – we have found an opportunity for you to get a free Steam game key. Take the game for free as long as you can. Steam Game Psychonauts Free Key humblebundle Giveaway (Excerpt description of the game on the wiki) Psychonauts is a platform game that incorporates various adventure elements. The player controls the main character Raz in a third-person, three-dimensional view, helping Raz to undercover a mystery at the Psychonauts training camp. Raz begins with basic movement abilities such as running and jumping, but as the game progresses, Raz gains additional psychic powers such as telekinesis, levitation, invisibility, and pyrokinesis. These abilities allow the player to explore more of the camp as well as fight off enemies. These powers can either be awarded by completing certain story missions, gaining psi ranks during the game, or by purchasing them with hidden arrowheads scattered around the camp. Powers can...
Best Free Game Steam 2011