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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2022

Steam Game DHL Free Key Giveaway The I of the Dragon

 Steam Game DHL Free Key Giveaway The I of the Dragon. As usual – we have found an opportunity for you to get a free Steam game key. Take the game for free as long as you can. Steam Game DHL Free Key Giveaway The I of the Dragon   (Excerpt description of the game on the wiki) The game takes place in an ancient land. There, both humans and dragons had both lived paying no attention to each other until one dragon after studying the human race believed they could be valuable allies to help rid the land of evil. They fought side by side for many battles until finally Skarrbor was defeated. Peace was brought into the world and the dragons taught the humans the secret of magic, but soon a powerful sect called the Zealots grew within the human race that believed the dragons would seek to gain the throne that Skarrbor once held. And so they began to destroy all the dragon eggs they could find. Eventually the dragons decided to leave and avoid another bloody war while one dragon remain...